Originally published by the Health & Safety Executive, the Purple Guide is designed to provide guidance for event organisers, suppliers, local authorities and others involved in the outdoor events industry.   Publication of the Guide was taken over by the Events Industry Forum in 2012 when the original guidance was updated.   Since then, the guidance has been substantially expanded and continues to be developed.

Those subscribing to the Guide receive notification of any new chapters and updates as they are completed together with regular ebulletins to keep them up-to-date with the work of the Forum.

The Guide has been written by UK event professionals primarily for the UK.   Outside the UK, while the principles of the Guide should still apply, account will need to be taken of local regulations.”

Note:  The Guide is protected by copyright and must not be copied, reproduced or commercialised in any way without the prior written agreement of EIF Ltd.

There is a subscription of £25 plus VAT for 12 months  access to the Purple Guide website, including all updates and additional guidance that may be added during that period.

For organisations requiring multiple logins there are a number of subscription plans available.

For instant access, payment must be made by credit/debit card. These are processed by Stripe, however, you do not require a Stripe account in order to complete payment.

Payment by invoice is now only available for the access by IP subscription. If you complete the Purchase Order number box on the subscription form, this will be added to the invoice.

All funds raised through subscriptions will be used solely for funding the work of the EIF and particularly the costs of maintaining and extending the Purple Guide. EIF is not run for commercial profit.


The Purple Guide has been written by a group of experts drawn from across the outdoor events industry. Its aim is to help those event organisers who are dutyholders to manage health and safety, particularly at large-scale music and similar events.  The Health and Safety Executive (HSE), which originally published the guidance, was consulted from the outset on 'the workplace health and safety' parts of this publication and continues to review any changes made to the Guide.

This guidance is not compulsory, unless specifically stated, as some elements go further than the minimum an organiser needs to do to comply with workplace health and safety law. If in doubt, organisers should refer to the requirements of the law at www.hse.gov.uk

The Events Industry Forum took over publication of the Guide in 2012 with the support of the HSE, The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and The Concert Promoters Association (CPA), who helped to fund its initial development.    

A wide number of industry associations, individuals and commercial organisations have contributed to the revisions of the Purple Guide since its publication and are recognised in the Acknowledgements pages - see here

Supporters of the Guide

The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has supported the Guide since its inception and continues to liaise with the Forum on health and safety aspects of the chapters.  The HSE is Britain’s national regulator for workplace health and safety which is dedicated to protecting people and places, and helping everyone lead safer and healthier lives.   Their role goes beyond worker protection to include public assurance. 

Institute of Licensing (IoL) has contributed to the licensing aspects of the Guide and has given its endorsement to it as guidance for outdoor events. The Institute is the professional body for licensing practitioners across the UK, comprising licensing practitioners from local authorities, other public sector organisations including the police, licensed industry and private practice (legal, training and consultancy).  Operating through 12 regions across the UK, the IoL exists to promote and increase awareness and best practice within licensing law and regulation and related issues.  The IoL's charity objectives concern raising the professionalism of licensing through education, communications and guidance, and to foster mutual understanding between all parties.


The Events Industry Forum (EIF) is an informal ‘organisation’ that brings together trade bodies and institutions from across the events industry to discuss and collaborate on issues of common interest. Other than the publication of the Purple Guide, which is held separately within EIF Limited, the Forum has no formal structure or membership and acts purely in the interests of the industry as a whole.

EIF is supported by the following organisations that have contributed to the funding and compilation of the Guide:


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